Friday, September 12, 2014

Into the Swing of Things

Well, we have survived the first week of Kindergarten! I really had my doubts as to whether I would be able to keep my sanity with 3 little kids getting ready in the morning and making it out of the door in time for school (after-all, many working families do it why can't I? Right??)

My worries about Gillian making friends was a very silly one, as this is the kid who will go up to total strangers in the grocery store and ask "will you be my friend?" She is very open and loves to talk...Immediately on the first day of Kindergarten, she buddies up to a lovely set of girls (twins). I am not surprised that they are her first friends at school as she has been living with a set for 2 years and know what they are about.

So we survived a week...I started off really well, getting up when my husband goes to work and actually eating breakfast in peace and quiet. As the week continued however, I have not been so eager...this morning it was 7:30 when I finally rolled out of bed and now I had exactly 30 minutes to get everyone out of the house! Easy right??? Wrong!!!

Gillian decided that today was the day that she wanted to play around and get ready in the closet (why this place to change from PJ's to clothes I have no idea). so here I am trying to get dressed myself...underwear on, bra on, pants on, "Thud"...

Victor has decided to climb out of his crib and slipped thereby causing the Thud and falling to the floor. I cuddle him and figured I am half dressed so why not get him completely dressed now that he is out of his crib...Gillian at this point is still fooling around and only had underwear on...

I leave the room with a fully clothed Victor hoping to get the rest of my clothes when David starts wailing...(now what?)...he can't find his soother and he is all alone in the room. I get him dressed and while doing that Gillian decides that she doesn't want to wear the clothes that I pulled out for her and starts picking new pants.

It's now 7:50 and we still haven't had breakfast and we need to get going. So waffles on the go it is...we eat in the car as we actually didn't leave the house after getting everything and everyone ready until 8:15am. The first bell is 8:19 (thank goodness we live less than 2 min by car). We got to the door and made it just in time. After a sigh of relief I pack the boys back into the car and head home. Pick-up was much easier...

So we will see how this next week is going to be...

1 comment:

  1. Oy, I don't know how you do it each morning! Is there a neighbour who can come over and hang out with the boys for 30 minutes while you run G to school?
